If you know how to use it
Or google when you don't
Prefix google queries with "mdn":
There's this text.
And then there's this.
Don't use # (id) selectors,
Always use . (class) selectors.
Big text
Blue text
Big, Blue text.
And centered too!
Multiple classes on one element.
Item outside.
Item one level inside.
Item two levels inside.
Child selector: .a > .b
Item outside.
Item one level inside.
Item two levels inside.
Descendant selector: .a .b
Normal div element
With some attribute value
With the specific attribute
Contains attribute value
in space-separated form
Attribute Selector: .a[attribute=value]
- First and Red
- Even
- Blue and Third
- Big and Even
Pseudo Selectors:
:hover, etc.
- First
- Second
- Third
- Fourth (and last)
Sibling selector: .a + .b
When you're fighting Internet Explorer (< 9)
# 46 82 B4
rgb(70, 130, 180)
rgb(27%, 51%, 71%)
#8CF translates to #88CCFF
rgb(70, 130, 180)
rgba(70, 130, 180, 0.5)
Opacity of an element ≠
Translucence of its background
This is fine.
But what color would this be?
And this?
#unique-id greater than
div.class-name greater than
Red or Blue?
Blue or Red?
Definitely Red
Order of assignment is important,
not usage.
Avoid !important at all costs.
I want to play for No. 21.
We don't have enough cash for that.
Then I want another drink.
Only text content allowed.
2rem -> 2rem = 2rem
2em (1em ~ 16px)
200% (1em = 100%)
2em -> 2em = 4em
Prefer rem ("root em"), relative to root.
Available everywhere except I E 8..
Some text on one line,
and some more right after.
Text in div,
doesn't keep on the same line.
Hey! This div
is weird!
And look at this span,
it broke!
block makes a box,
inline runs like text.
This won't show.
This only takes space.
This hides right under your nose.
display: none removes from layout,
visibility: hidden
renders only dimensions,
opacity: 0 just makes it transparent.
Default stacking order is
order of appearance in HTML.
Each z-index creates
a new stacking context
Box with 100% width takes more than 100%
width means width of content,
border excluded.
It was never right.
Now, width calculation includes padding & border
Available in all browsers today.
Adjacent vertical margins collapse
and leave only the larger one.
Unless you set padding or border
Einstein a bit down and left out.
Einstein right
where he belongs.
Einstein can't fall.
Setting position: relative moves
element relative to its normal position.
Newton matches Einstein.
Newton back to start.
Newton goes all the way down.
absolute moves element relative to
the closest ancestor with position.
Better use a library for clearing floats.
translate3d() ensures hardware acceleration.
rotateZ() is the same as rotate()
Whatever is not specified in transform,
takes the default value 0.
-webkit-perspective needs to
be set on an outer element
Try setting rotateY() on the hut directly.
You can put the transition on all as well.
preserve-3d becomes important
when actually dealing with 3d.
Any number of animations can be run
simultaneously on an element.
Now you know why.
Only adds features on top of regular CSS.